Download Your Energy Efficiency Audit Form
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Efficient Home Solutions Energy Auditors have been trained, tested, and certified to BPI’s nationally-recognized standards. They use the building/house-as-a-system approach to improving the performance of existing buildings/homes — an approach proven to reduce occupants’/owners’ annual utility bills by as much as 20% to 50%! That’s why BPI standards or equivalent standards are cited by the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program from the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as several state Weatherization Assistance Programs.
Through the Standards Technical Committee, its working groups, and dozens of committed industry participants, the BPI Standards program maintains an unmatched reputation as a credible and flexible standards-making body, and is accredited by the American National Standards Institute as an approved developer of American National Standards. Join BPI’s efforts to address the critical trends of building performance technology innovation, industry best practices and regulatory by having your building’s/home’s energy efficiency performance evaluated today by one of our Certified Auditors.
The link below will provide a sample audit form and give you an understanding of the specific areas the auditor will evaluate during the audit:
Download Your Energy Efficiency Audit Form
For more information please call 972-235-2600 today!