Year-long is how the battle for home energy efficiency improvement takes, whether it’s cooling or heating. It should not be like this. You should be able to live in home comfortably without constant worry about whether your home is cooling or heating correctly.
The comfort level of your home begins with the right thermostat and appropriate setting. Setting your thermostat correctly can improve the energy efficiency of your home. At this point, we will begin by evaluating the different types of thermostats currently available. We will look at how to select the appropriate thermostat for your unique home.
The ac and heating control system is usually known as a thermostat. The thermostat regulates the amount of heat or cool air distributed in the home. There are several different types including manual, programmable, and smart thermostats. The type you choose must be functional for your home and compatible with your cooling and heating system.
- Manual thermostats are the simplest type of thermostat. The first thought that comes to mind are the round models of old attached to your wall. Manual thermostats are commonly found in older homes and a needle indicator is used for temperature indication. These thermostats are simple and easy to use but very limited as energy saving tools.
- Programmable thermostats are a step up on the sophistication scale from manual thermostats. Programmable thermostats allow for schedules to be set for every day of the week. Some models afford the owner the ability for weekend and weekday separation if so desired. Programmable thermostats are efficient energy savers by controlling heating and cooling costs via the adjustment of the temperature throughout the day.
- Smart thermostats are the modern form of thermostat and the most energy efficient. Smart thermostats are wi-fi enabled to access from your smartphone, tablet or computer. They can assist in increasing the energy efficiency of your home due to its ability to adjust to your lifestyle preferences.
However, this description is nice but how do you know if the thermostat you want is compatible?
To answer this question, you must know the type of heating and cooling system you have. There are only 3 different systems that are in use:
- Low voltage systems are the most common, which only require a 24v power supply. Best part, most thermostats will work with this system.
- Direct line or high voltage systems use a power source of 110v to 240v. They require special attention when deciding on a thermostat because they generally baseboards and other electric heating systems. Unfortunately, some older homes use direct line voltage to power the thermostat.
- The 24 millivolt systems are typically gas or oil powered furnaces that don’t use electricity.
When you are looking at thermostats, they are clearly labeled with the system type, for example:
- “Works with 1 Stage heat or cool: For use where you have separate heating and air conditioning units”
- “Works with 2 Stage or multi-stage heat or cool: For heating or cooling units that have a high and low speed”
- “Works with Direct Line Voltage: 110 or 240 direct current power source used in some older homes to power the thermostat “
- “Works with 24mV: For use with a fireplace, floor, or wall furnace”
- “Zoned HVAC: Heating and/or cooling is individually controlled in different areas from the same HVAC system”
When you have the information, you need you can make an informed decision as to the type of thermostat will work efficiently with your home ac and heating system. Contact Efficient Home Solutions for assistance with home thermostat decisions. (972)235-2600