McKinney Emergency AC Repairs

If your air conditioner just won’t shut off, get in touch with the experts in McKinney emergency AC repairs, Efficient Home Solutions. We have years of experience in providing emergency AC repairs in McKinney TX, so we’ll know exactly why this is happening, and what to do about it. When you turn to us, we won’t just slap a band-aid on your unit. We’ll provide you with a lasting repair that will give you true peace of mind for a long time.


Why AC Units Don’t Stop Running

Once you contact Efficient Home Solutions for your McKinney emergency AC repairs, we’ll immediately get to work diagnosing the reason for the problem. We’ve actually seen many examples of units that keep running for hours. Why does this happen? These are just a few of the more common reasons why this happens, and why people need to call us for emergency AC repairs in McKinney TX.

  • This problem can happen because the condenser and evaporator coils get filled with dust and debris. When this occurs, your AC unit won’t be able to cool your home like it should. It will keep trying to get your inside temperature to the temperature that’s set on your thermostat, but it won’t be able to do so. Let us come out to provide the emergency AC repairs in McKinney TX to clean out those components.
  • If you have a variable speed air conditioner, it will run longer than a regular unit. The reason is that, during certain parts of the day, they only run at about 25 percent of their usual cooling capacity. They have to run longer in order to cool your home as a result. If this is the kind of unit you have, you can still call us but there’s probably nothing wrong.
  • Another potential reason is that the unit is just too small. It has to run and run, and it still won’t be able to cool your home the way it should.

Set up McKinney emergency AC repairs by contacting Efficient Home Solutions online, or by calling (972) 235-2600.

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